
Are you satisfied with your life? Is your life meaningful or meaningless? If you look closely around you, the things you take for granted are really the most important. There are many reasons to really be thankful for even the small things. If you show appreciation for little things you will be adding happiness to your life.

My good friend Denny of The ceaseless reader writes tagged me to share the 13 things I’m grateful for. I accepted the tag since I have a draft with almost the same content. Hey Denny, it was definitely a coincidence.

Denny’s rules:
A) Mention the person who nominated you (done).
B) List 13 things for which you’re grateful (see below).
C) Tag a few Bloggers (see below).
D) Display the picture (done).

  1. Faith

My faith in God keeps me going. He always delivers me from my fears.

2. Being alive


There are many unfortunate incidents and accidents that happened in my life that made me strong today. If you have followed my blog for a while now, you would know what I was talking about. I believe my purpose here on earth is not yet fulfilled because of the times that I narrowly escaped death.

3. Family




My family is my greatest source of strength. When I say family it is not only my husband and kids but also my mom, sisters and nephews. Yes, sometimes they make me mad but they will always be at my side no matter what. They have always been beside me through joy and sorrow. They push me to do my best and support me. My love for them is forever etched in my heart.

4. FriendsIMG_1575.JPG

I have many friends but there are only few who really knows the real me. These friends let me have my space and reach out when I’m space out. They have also been with me during my ups and downs.

5. Sunrise/Sunset


Sunrise is a great reminder for me that there’s a new beginning everyday.

While sunset symbolizes a completed day’s work and gives a chance to rest.

6. Nature


It taught me healing. Just take a look around nature when you’re feeling down or hurting. You’ll definitely feel refresh.

7. Health


With a healthy mind and body, I can do what I want and achieve my goals.

8. My eyes, ears


Through my eyes, I can appreciate the beauty of the surroundings, stare and admire the flowers for hours. With my ears, I can hear the beautiful melodies and music around me like the birds chirping.

9. Air we breath


Do you know why I am afraid of confined spaces? It’s because I am afraid of losing the air that my body needs. I panic when I know there will not be enough oxygen for me. That’s why I’m thankful for the air I breath. You should too.

10. Comfort in life

I’m truly grateful for the things I have now. I am fortunate enough to live comfortably with a decent roof under my head. I can eat and buy what I want. I can also easily go to the places I want.

11. Free will

I always have the choice to choose my own way. I have the freedom to go where I want to. Other people take this for granted.

12. Pleasant moments in life

There are many pleasant moments happening in our life that we should be thankful for.Β  I cherish the moments I’m laughing with my friends, relaxing outdoors on a beautiful day, sipping refreshments by the beach, holding hands with someone you love, kissing, making someone smile and kind gesture. There are too many pleasant moments to mention.

13. WordPress

Of course, I’m truly grateful to WordPress for giving me an opportunity to ramble and share my thoughts. It’s where I have gained also friends from around the world.

How about you? What are the things that you are grateful for? So now I tag the following amazing bloggers.

Richa of Iscriblr

Jenna of The Sunshine Artist


Himani Thakur
