Hi lovely people! Welcome back to another dose of my Monday Motivation. 

How’s your Monday? Are you stressed, upset or annoyed for the things you are unable to change or achieve? As you’re aware, there are some things beyond our control. At times we do not have all the answers and solutions to a problem. The only thing that’s keeping us from letting go is wishing things were different. The only way to let go is to not dwell and to accept things as they are.

It was a frustrating Sunday night and Monday morning for me. For those who do not know my mom’s situation, she has Alzheimer’s disease. Each day is always a new day but not easy for my mom. Her situation is starting to get worse. She’s starting to confuse past memories and present realities. She’s starting to forget important events and even yesterday’s activities.

Last night, my mom went with us to our place so she can have a change of scenery. It was also to give my sister,  who is her caregiver and companion a break. She’s not easy to care for now as she’s forgetful and behaves like a child.

I was only too happy when she acquiesced to go with us since I can treat her for her birthday the day after. After a few minutes of settling her in my daughter’s room, she started acting weirdly. She started to whine like a child and made a fuss that she can’t fall asleep. She told me she can’t stay long and wants to go home right away. 

The night was definitely long for me as I had a hard time convincing her to sleep. She stayed only in her room when I told her I’ll need sleep if I am to bring her back home.  My parent’s home is more than two hours away from us without the traffic. 

As you’ll see, any attempt to convince my mom to stay will only be futile. Her mind was made up already. Though it makes me sad that I can not take care of her, I am comforted by the fact that she’s better at her familiar place. 

How about you? How did your Monday was like? I hope you’ll have a great Monday or you had one and a great week!

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