“If you could be the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?”

This was the provocative question posed by Fandango and I was asked by Sadje to answer it. I’m sorry dear if it took too long to answer it. I want to share my answer when I am thinking clearly and now I am. 😁

To all my guy friends here, I hope you’ll not be offended with my answers. I know they are a little provocative.✌🏼😇😁

If I could be a man for one day…

• I will not move my butt from the sofa, have a movie marathon and eat all the sinful food! 🍦🍰🍩🍷🍕🍔🌭🍟🤗🙈

• I’m going let any hair grow for today. That is, I will put off shaving, throw on my cutest pair of shorty shorts. On second thought, I’m going to shave all the hairs on my legs. My husband will kill me after we switched place again.✌🏼😁😂

• I will inspect my merchandise for today. 😁 I have always been curious what it feels like. 🤔😄

• I’m going to let the toilet seat up.

• I’m going to walk around topless without having to worry I will be gawked at. 😄

• I will definitely be the King for one day!

I hope my answers did not offend anyone. I want my day as a man enjoying what I can’t do as a real woman. 😇

Featured image by Coen Staal at Unsplash