Here’s another Monday Motivation for you guys. I hope you are all doing great like me though I have the colds and flu. The changing weather got to me. This is my reason for my intermittent blogging from the blogosphere. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my red runny nose. 🤧😷Anyway, let us find ways to make our week wonderful!

Do you find yourself in a rut? No matter what you do you find no real happiness because of your never-ending failures and tragedies in your life. When faced with these, joy seems an illusion. But believe it or not, it is possible.

Let us tackle first what is the definition of joy. Joy is an emotion of great pleasure or delight. It is a state of feeling gladness in one’s heart.

Simple Ways To Find Joy In Your Life

Appreciate simple things

You can see the pure delight in children’s eyes when you see them playing. A child finds happiness because they appreciate small things. They have the most infectious laugh because of their carefree attitude. You must also see the world in a child’s innocent eyes. You’ll be amazed by the beauty of nature. It’s what we should aim for. We should all be in touch with our inner child to remind us of the simple joys of life.

Eat the right kind of food

It plays a vital role in how you feel. A healthy diet with right kind of mood-boosting foods will uplift you from your dreariness like brazil nuts, oily fish, oats, bananas, dark chocolate, lentils, chicken and turkey, spinach, water, cereal and oyster. Source: netdoctor

Associate yourself with positive people

Emotional vampires will only suck you dry. They always see the world in bleak colors. They are always miserable. Positive people, on the other hand, will boost your morale and will lead you in the right direction. They always see the positive side of everything. They always find a solution to every problem.


No matter what state you are in you must always be grateful for what you have. When you are grateful you are creating a positive outcome for you.

Shift gears

If things don’t work out for you, focus your attention to where you’re good at. Stop stressing yourself to things you can’t reach. Maybe they are not meant for you. There are always other perfect opportunities for you.

So are you ready to have joy in your life? It’s not a distant dream after all.

Don’t you fret
or else the misery you’ll get

Joyousness will be
when you’ll see the beauty as it should be

What matters the most
is to hold gratefulness in one’s heart really close

It holds the key
in attracting joy as it should be

Have a wonderful week! ❤️

Images shared: Pixabay