It is the second day of the Gratitude Scavenger Hunt challenge shared by Sadje. I decided to do this every day until I fulfilled all that is required. It is my way of reminding myself what gratefulness is.

For day two, the challenge is to give something to someone else to make them smile. Let me share with you how I made someone smile.

Last Sunday, my husband harvested the Chico (commonly known as Sapodilla) fruits from the tree where my mom resides because most of them were ripe for picking. There were a lot of Chicos harvested so we shared the fruits to our family and friends.

These are some of the Chico fruits harvested.

There is one friend nearby that I haven’t seen for a while who loves those fruits. I know she has a slight grudge on me but I still want to bridge the gap between us. I’m still grateful for knowing her because we have shared good and bad times together.

We dropped by her house to give the fruits but she was not at home. Her husband thankfully received them. After a few hours, she private message and thank me profusely. I can feel her smile while talking to her. I’m glad I reached out. It was a simple act of gesture but I know it went a long way.

How about you? How did you make someone smile?