
You can feel Gaia’s deep affection
when you gaze at her gift of creation

Her ample bosom
encompasses the vast foam

She yields the bounteous catch
and plentiful crops which are fascinating to watch

Gaia, the very soul of the earth
if given blithe assurance, abundance she’ll bring forth


This is the sixth day of the Gratitude Scavenger Hunt Challenge shared by Sadje of Keep it alive. I’m doing the challenge of my own volition because I like the idea of finding things I am grateful for every day. Finding the bright side every day always bring positive outcomes.


For this day, I’m showing my gratitude to nature in the form of Ode. I hope you like it.

An Ode to Mother Nature

Breathing in the crisp breeze
Of the North wind, wafting sweet perfume of variety blooms
I feel the promise of a new day

I let out a contented sigh
To the picturesque panorama, my eyes behold
Taking it all in

Fastidious with nature’s beauty
I can see the minutest details
That will bring delight to every soul

The dewy grass
Glinting like snippets of diamond
Makes the grass alive

Yon voluminous cotton balls
Across the blue zircon’s sky
Stretches over the horizon

The melodious trill of Canaries overhead
Awaken the sleeping melody in my soul
Come now hark, savor the sweet sound

The perpetual flow of the river
Shimmering glitter under God’s morning star

Murmurs like enticing mermaids

Oh, Mother Nature!
I thank thee with your priceless and sacred gift
I’ll live each day with gladness in my soul

