Hello lovely people! It is now the seventh day of the Gratitude Scavenger Hunt Challenge shared by Sade of Keep it alive.

The instruction was to find something that you can use to gift someone. I thought of my mom since we will be celebrating Mother’s day on May 12. As you may already know, my mom has Alzheimer’s disease. Her mind is slowly degenerating which makes her forgetful especially us her children.

I was at a loss what to give her and I was thinking of something that might be useful for her. I searched the internet and it gave me an idea to make her a scrapbook. I will print pictures of her, my dad, my sisters, our own families and me. Making it will be easy as I have helped my youngest with his scrapbook that was a requirement for their school.

What I mean by easy is I already arranged our photos then. My youngest son’s project took weeks to finish it as the photos are not well documented.

I’m hoping the scrapbook will help my mom go down the memory lane. She might not remember many memories but I’m hoping this will trigger the memories she forgot. I’m crossing my fingers I’ll complete it in one week.

I’m sharing with you pages from my son’s scrapbook.

That’s my mom with my youngest

What do you think of my gift?

Featured image: Pixabay