Hello guys! I hope you’re all doing great! For others like me, Monday is the start of the week. Luckily for me I had started the week right.

It all started with me having a great weekend. Taking care of someone with Alzheimer will leave you drained physically and emotionally especially the adjustment period. I believe God saw me enervated and sent me angels to cheer me up. 

”You’ll be surprised 
to know 
the friend 
you’re least expected 
to make you feel better 
will make time for you unexpectedly 
and be there for you.” 
– Winnie

Out of the blue, this old friend messaged me how I am doing with my mom. She came to know about my situation from another friend. The latter friend was feeling guilty because she was not able to give me time so she connected us both again. 

Fortunately for me, the friend who called have almost the same situation as me and was willing to give me advice and be a friend. I was teary eyed since I have someone who is really willing to listen and guide me. 

Furthermore, my sister in law met me for dinner the day after. It’s so nice having a relaxed moment and having someone who was willing to listen.

”I cherish people who can drop everything in an instant and be willing to lend an ear.”  – Winnie

My relaxing moment is beneficial both for me and my mom as she will have a relaxed caregiver. I’m also thankful my mom did not give me a hard time today. When she’s like this I have someone I can confide in. I even told her a secret knowing she’ll forget it in a while. 😁😉 I really miss the mom whom I can easily talk to. 


Have a great weekend!


Image: Pixabay